The Most Unpopular Advice Ever?
The Most Unpopular Truth About Growth Ever
If you want to truly become the greatest version of yourself, you are going to have to take a deep breath, suck it up, and dive into some wildly uncomfortable truths. Most of them will be about yourself…If you aren’t willing to do that, calmly but quickly scroll to the top left corner of your browser and click the back arrow…I’ve heard YouTube has some new kitten videos that are just the bomb! Maybe you could check those out?
Now, if you are still reading, I’m assuming it’s because you aren’t interested in the latest #catchallenge or whatnot and would like to make progress toward your goals, personal development, or are just intrigued enough to stay the course. Whichever is true, good for you! Let’s get started…
You have to believe the worst about yourself!
There. I said it. Wanna get better at stuff? Listen to your critics, the loudmouth bullies, and the occasional troll. Why? Because most of the time, criticism (and even trollish, bullying behavior) has a kernel of truth to it.
Example, picture my portly behind bebopping down the street or at my daughter’s school (happens all the time there actually…too soon), and some punk yells out, “Hey, fatty! You’re fat!”
Now, truth be told, my first response is to show them exactly how fat by pulling off some epic Monday Night Raw-esque flying belly flop right on their face, but that’s socially unacceptable except for Monday nights, so I don’t.
Instead, I have to respond like an adult. Because I’m an adult (ugh!) and am working on my growth, I work to allow the hurtful component of the shouted insult move on, but I have to acknowledge the truth it contains. I’m overweight. Even though I’ve fought this particular battle my entire life, it’s still true. I have to acknowledge that truth and, in the interest of growth, allow it to spur me towards self-improvement. Which means fewer carbs, more walking, and making sacrifices.
Does that make sense?
A Nutshell of the Most Unpopular Truth About Growth Ever
When confronted with a component of yourself that you don’t like or that other people don’t like, acknowledge its existence, move past the insult, and find the truth — the trait(s) that you can address or change to minimize the negative component, trait, or habit.
Hopefully, that makes sense because it’s time to move on now…
A Very Popular Truth About Growth
You have to believe the best about yourself. Think this isn’t a problem? How do you feel when someone compliments you? No, not how do you respond or what do you say…How do you FEEL?
If you are anything like the majority of the world, it makes you a little bit uncomfortable and you kind of start justifying your disbelief of the kind words. I know it’s not just me…
Now, if we’re to believe the worst of ourselves in order to grow, it is imperative that we do the opposite as well. The ability to “stomach” those negative truths becomes much stronger when we are journeying through life with a solid understanding of the strengths we possess.
How to Believe the Best?
To get started with our growth in this area, we have to practice some self-awareness.
What do you do well?
You need to spend some time thinking about things that you know you do well. Write them down or record them somehow.
What do others say you are good at?
Think about things that others tell you that you’ve done well or that you are good at. Again, record them.
Give yourself permission to believe the best
Truth be told, this is typically the hardest part. From early in our development, our environment, friends, classmates, media, and most other inputs tell us everything we’re doing wrong. We’re ostracized for being different or leaving the pack. We’re lonely, ignored, etc., and over time, despite how hard we try, it’s too easy to believe that the problem is within us rather than in the way society interacts with us.
You’re going to have to overcome this if you want to move forward. Learn to be okay acknowledging what you are good at and leaning into it.
I’ll tell you that the biggest breakthrough in my life came as a result of this step in the process. I learned to own my “labels” and engage with components of my being that I’d previously ignored or kept quiet.
Start Today
If you’ve made it this far, I applaud your dedication and truly wish all the best for you and your journey! Tomorrow can mark the beginning of a completely different outlook on life…fulfillment, despite popular opinion, isn’t tied to a time period (the weekend or retirement) or a career (CEO, doctor, lawyer, entrepreneur, or “insert job title here”)…Fulfillment is the result of the alignment of your perspective, your talents, and your actions in your world.
If you are struggling with this in any way, I’d love to chat with you about it and see if I can provide some encouragement!
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Until next time, I’ll see you in the comments!