3-2-1: I hate goals...
Are goals overrated?
It seems like everyone and their posse is talking about setting goals, coming out with products that help you set goals, planners to write in while you’re setting and chasing your goals, motivational quotes about goals…and so on. But, how many times have you completely blown up from a productivity/transformation perspective because you keep feeling like a failure because you struggle to attain certain goals?
I think goals are overrated and there has to be a better way - such as systems for daily success!
Success is temporary…
It doesn’t really matter what you’re trying to accomplish. Once you’ve accomplished it, you better enjoy it! It’s going to fade unless you are actively pursuing some version of it that keeps things fresh. Make a million dollars? You know you can’t quit working otherwise it will all disappear. Did you finally reach that weight loss goal? Can’t stop your healthy habits otherwise all that weight is coming back to you. When we postpone our happiness and joy for some future “successful state,” we’re cheating ourselves of a lifetime of joy from a life well-lived.
So, STOP! Work hard today and enjoy the journey!
You have everything you need right now.
Too frequently, we’re looking at others and experiencing some sort of FOMO or jealousy because we think that we have to have the things they have in order to achieve the success we want to see in our lives. Here’s the secret though, you ALREADY HAVE what you NEED to get started. You don’t have “those things” that you see others with because you haven’t earned/needed them yet. Start with your current toolbox and your experience, skills, and life will add the tools you need as you need them.
Author, consultant, and speaker, Todd Henry, on life:
"Focus on what you SHOULD be doing, not what you COULD."
James Clear in Atomic Habits:
"Genes can predispose, but they don’t predetermine.”
Typically, we know the correct answer before we ask the hard question. What answer are you avoiding this week?
(Goals are out for me, systems are where it’s at!)
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Until next week,